Achievement Guide & Roadmap (2025)

Complete the game on Easy Difficulty

Complete the game on Easy Difficulty.

**See Staff Major for more information**

Destroy the gas station

This achievement is story related; you cannot miss this achievement.

During the second mission, when you have to cover Nants as he goes to the gas station you will need to shoot the gas tank to destroy the Alien Air Unit. The achievement will unlock once you shoot the gas tank. and Dive-5

Survive the pool attack

This achievement is story related; you cannot miss this achievement.

Shortly after the first cut scene in the first level you will go through a building and exit it coming up to an empty pool. An alien will jump out of the pool in front of you. Kill him and the one on the building above you and the achievement will unlock. Bombs-5

Call in the airstrike to defeat the Command Center

This achievement is story related; you cannot miss this achievement.

During the third mission when you have to protect Nantz when he is marking the target, an airstrike will eventually come leading to a cut scene. You will unlock the achievement when the cut scene starts. Your Video-5

Watch an unlocked video

After completing the game on any difficulty go to the main menu. Once in the main menu go to Unlockables and then go to videos. Choose any video and once the video is over, the achievement will unlock. Sergeant-25

Complete the game on Normal Difficulty

Complete the game on Normal Difficulty.

**See Staff Major for more information** Range-10

Kill 20 enemies with a sniper rifle.

Tip: Turning Aim Assist "On" will make sniping easier.

In the first mission in the beginning when you go up a ladder and then crouch under a vent you can pick up a sniper. You will have more than enough ammo to kill 20 enemies. Just keep using the sniper and go for head shots or torso shots. Just stand far back behind cover and keep shooting enemies. They will keep respawning for a while. You should have more than enough enemies to kill in the first mission. If you don't get the achievement in the first mission, you will have more sniper ammo in the second mission. Me Impressed-10

Complete a mission on Normal without dying, failing, restarting, or continuing campaign

Note: This achievement must be done on Normal

This achievement is really easy. You can do it on any mission, but try to do it on the first mission so you can get it out of your way. The main thing is to stay back and NOT rush. If you are getting injured and are about to die (you screen goes black and white with red around it) stay low behind cover and wait until you heal. But try not to get that injured in the first place. Just stay behind cover for most of the level and use your Assault Rifle or Sniper Rifle. Try to avoid hiding behind cars because they can blow up. If you must hide behind them, make sure they are not on fire. The missions are relatively short so you should have no problem with this.

**See Sergeant Major for tips**

Kill 15 enemies on the HMV turret

In the beginning of the second mission you are told to use the HMV turret. Get on it and kill 15 enemies with it. The turret doesn't overheat so you can just keep holding to fire. Killing 15 enemies will be easy, as there are way more than 15 enemies.

There is also an HMV turret on the third mission to with some enemies if you fail to get it on the second mission.

Kill 2 aliens with one Rocket

You will obtain the Rocket Launcher in the second mission as you go over the overpass. You will then need to destroy the second Alien Air Unit. After destroying it, continue the mission. You will encounter 2 enemies shortly after; 1 on the roof and 1 on the ground. Kill them and 2 more enemies will appear on the roof. Kill them then pull out your rocket launcher and sprint down the alley. 2 Aliens will come out beside each other. Shoot the rocket right in between them to kill them both. If you didn't kill both of them, click restart checkpoint because you will restart right beside that area. Make sure you do NOT continue forward if you don't get the achievement because you will complete the mission.

Note: If you are going for Color Me Impressed restarting the checkpoint will disable the achievement. Major-50

Complete the game on Hard Difficulty

Complete the game on Hard Difficulty. The difficulty achievements do NOT stack. So you must play through each difficulty once.


  • Do NOT rush towards the enemies. Stay far back and behind cover. Use crouch to stay low behind cover and pop out when you are not injured to shoot enemies.
  • Avoid hiding behind cars because they can blow up. If you need to hide behind a car, make sure it is not on fire.
  • Try to go for head shots or torso shots
  • When you are injured, hide behind cover until you are fully healed. To be on the safe side, hide behind cover BEFORE your screen goes black and white with red around the screen. This means that you are near death.
  • When fighting the Alien Air Units with the Rocket Launcher, there is a good strategy to kill them faster. Right as they start charging their shot, shoot your rocket launcher at them. Reload and shoot again quickly as possible. You can sometimes get 2 shots off before waiting for them to charge again which makes the process go by twice as fast
  • You can make the game even easier by turning Aim Assist "On". Go to Help & Options, then Settings, then Game Settings to turn on Aim Assist. Make sure you click to accept. This will make sniping much easier too. An effective way to cover Nants when ever you need to.
  • If you complete the game on Easy and Normal first you will unlock "Mods" found in the Main Menu. You can use them to make the game easier and the achievements will still unlock. Hundo-50

Unlock all the unlockables

You must complete each difficulty once to unlock all the unlockables. Each difficulty unlocks a certain amount of unlockables. Once you beat the game on Easy, Normal, and Hard separately, the achievement will unlock.

Edited by Tyger7

Achievement Guide & Roadmap (2025)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.